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In today's ever-evolving landscape of family dynamics, the traditional roles of fathers have transcended beyond mere breadwinners to nurturing caregivers and essential partners in raising children.

As society acknowledges the significant and diverse roles fathers play within their families, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that family services and support systems are inclusive and responsive to their unique needs and contributions.

Engaging dads is important because it contributes to improved child and family health.

It also helps challenge traditional gender norms and encourages a more equitable division of caregiving responsibilities, which is beneficial for both dads and mothers. Dads often experience isolation due to traditional gender roles, which have historically relegated them to the role of breadwinners. Many men only hear about how to parent from the women in their lives so having spaces where they can share and learn from other men is important. Four in every five suicides are men, dads in the perinatal period are 47 times more likely to be deemed a suicide risk, 20% of new dads say they felt completely isolated in the first year of fatherhood and 76% reported feeling depressed at some point in the first 5 years.

Fatherhood Solutions, led by Scott Mair, have had the privilege of spearheading dad’s parent/infant mental health projects in collaboration with several local authorities(LAs) and maternity services.

Our collaborative approach:

  • Recognises the diversity of challenges faced by fathers and families.
  • Aligns with local priorities and is tailored to the specific needs of each community.
  • Ensures initiatives remain responsive to the evolving needs of fathers and families, allowing for a community where every father is empowered to play a meaningful role in the well-being of their child.
  • Facilitates a systemwide, inclusive and effective approach to mental health, bonding, and attachment.
  • Utilises the latest published evidence, guidance and best practice and creates evidence within our practice.

Our offer includes:

  • Step into Fatherhood audits
  • System wide support including supporting action plans based on audit findings
  • One 2 One and group support for dads

If you would like further details and/or a conversation with a member of the team please complete the contact form or call 01926 490111.

We envision communities where every father is empowered to play a meaningful role in the well-being of their child.

Listen to the Podcast

In this episode of iPiP Live we are talking to Scott Mair.

Click below to listen

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