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Rachel Harrison

Rachel is organised and a highly motivated self-starter, she has gained ten years of robust midwifery experience. Having been both the Local Maternity Neonatal System (LMNS) Transformation Lead and Public Health Midwife at UHCW, she is comfortable both teamworking and in an autonomous leadership role. Employed strategically across the LMNS she prioritised the smoking cessation and vaccination remit, working locally with the three trusts and regional steering groups developing and ensuring local objectives followed national guidelines. Her work improved both local Stop Smoking in Pregnancy (SSIP) and vaccination programmes, ensuring that they have been established as a considered, sustainable approach.

Her work in smoking cessation led her to also understand the dangers of carbon monoxide.
Having fostered great partnership working with both West Midlands, Warwickshire Fire Services and Cadent this culminated in the approval to supply and fit free CO monitors in homes as standard for local pregnant women which commenced summer 2022.

Rachel started working as part of the iPiP team in March 2024, she is currently developing learning modules for healthcare professionals which will be hosted on the NHSE e-learning platform and supporting UKHSA in the development and testing of new guidance for midwifery staff.

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