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The Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre has developed a whole system approach to reducing the prevalence of smoking in pregnancy. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) School for Public Health Research (SPHR) and Fuse evaluated the babyClear programme looking at both the numbers of women quitting during pregnancy, impact on birth weight and acceptability to professionals and women. ‘Evaluation of a complex healthcare intervention to increase smoking cessation in pregnant women: interrupted time series analysis with economic evaluation. LINK TO PAPER LISTED BELOW The process of developing the approach including gaining an in-depth understanding of the evidence base then working with local commissioners, providers and communities to understand how to apply the evidence in a way which is impactful and sustainable.

The TCCC has also undertaken a large insights study to gain an understanding of how we can better support young vulnerable pregnant women to achieve a smokefree pregnancy. A paper has been submitted for publication (Baby Be Smokefree Insights from Young Pregnant Smokers and Maternity Professionals Ahead of Co-creation of a Smoking Cessation Intervention, BioMed Central). A new co-designed intervention based on the findings and involving midwives and the wider public health workforce is currently being tested.

The approach includes:

  • Training for midwifery staff and other relevant health professionals to enable them to deliver a brief Intervention that is impactful.
  • An intervention for those not initially engaging with support. A Brief Intervention Plus which includes materials and training. BabyClear Plus quit cards
  • Protocols and care pathways reflecting best practice, the evidence base and NICE guidance.
  • Advanced skills training to ensure stop smoking practitioners can effectively support pregnant women.
  • Ways to reach out to those pregnant smokers who currently do not engage with the stop smoking support, including a Risk Perception Intervention. BabyClear plus RPI
  • Administrative / call centre staff training to increase the number of women accepting appointments.
  • Support to implement an evidence-based approach including the use of key performance indicators to support the monitoring of all elements of the pathway.
  • Support to implement incentives schemes.
  • Facili training. Enabling local champions to deliver our evidence-based approach.

Click here to learn more about the approach from Hilary Wareing. If you would like further information please use the contact form or call 01926 490111.

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